To everyone who digs Dust on the Desk:
Although I stay somewhat far away from using this blog as a promotional tool for my band, today's little post may fly in the face of the norm. But really, my current elation has little to do with my band specifically and more with my journey up, through and around the pitfalls of life.
You see, lately, my band has played shows, worked on our album and, well, that's about it actually. And it's been awfully drab. We see these great ideas for how to be individuals and promote ourselves and have fun but for whatever reason, don't do anything other than the above two activities. To be fair, those two things take an enormous amount of time and energy. But today, all of a sudden, something clicked on. At lunch, instead of the typical unilateral message across our facebook group and mailing list, I wrote a two-part message and split it between the two groups of people. My thought was: Why not have some fun reading a wind-up update? You check your email and your facebook messages separately anyway! The writing was light and sentimental, feelings that this blog has been admittedly lacking for several weeks.
And what's more? An idea sprang up to for this weekend: Me and some band-mates and friends are going to run around manhattan filming people singing the chorus to one of our songs. People who are already fans of my band can watch the video once we edit it and hopefully the people we film will go check us out online and become fans themselves. Hopefully, they're singing will even make it onto the album! And the best part is it's unique to us and it'll be fun as hell. A party with a purpose, the best kind of living.
I don't know what happened today. I slept through my alarm this morning but instead of getting scolded by my boss, he essentially said, "Take it easy. Everyone gets one." (Special emphasis might need to be placed on "one" - If I come in every morning at quarter of eleven, they'll find someone else to do my job reeeeeally quickly.) So maybe the extra sleep made me feel a certain POP in my brain. But that does not explain the "bada documentary" to come this weekend. That idea came from Dave, the wind-up's guitarist. Maybe I'm excited for my mom to come into town tonight with our Dog, Max, who will hang at my place for the next few days. Whatever the reasons, lately, my writing has been droll to the point of making molasses look like fucking WD-40. Angst about life and music and blaah blaaaaah blaaaaaaaah. So why the change today?
Pause for a second to really consider this question.
Who the fuck cares? Sometimes, when riding the subway, the train stops for a second and the lights and fans go off. Then, for whatever reason, the thing springs back to life and keeps on rolling. God bless the 6 Train.
Not unlike my messages to fans of my band, I must take a crucial second to thank all of you who read this. Lisa, Katie P, Sanjay, Rob, Jarek and countless others who send me notes laughing and commenting on my silly shit. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading.
And I hate to promote the band but I would strongly encourage any readers to check out the message on facebook by becoming a member of the wind-up group. I would also encourage people to hop on the mailing list and see the second peice of writing. You can do it by filling in the box at