One of the best dreams I ever had ended. I was skiing and flying and people were in awe of all my power. Occasionally, I knew that it was a dream but I fought back the little voice imploring logic and reason so that I could stay dreaming as long as possible. And it wasn’t perfect. It was far from perfect. But it was a dream and like all of my dreams, it was wonderful.
When the alarm clock bashed on the door, I tried to ignore it knowing that I was being flushed down the toilet. And that’s really what waking up feels like, don’t you think? You went from swimming on a beach in southern California to floating in a toilet with paper and hair and piss. Round and round and no matter which way you swim, you’re out and it’s over and “good morning, Sunshine!”
I hate my alarm clock. I mean, I love my alarm clock and my job and my girlfriend but if I could just go back for a second… just a brief moment… no. It’s over. I’m awake.
The question now is whether or not I should go back to sleep. Try again for the unattainable: the perfect, never-ending dream. If this were a movie, the last shot would be me closing my eyes. A happy ending where we all agree that the point is to try and keep trying and life’s a journey.
Sorry to break the fourth wall but at this point, both in writing and in reality, I don't know what to say next.