Sunday, March 28, 2010

One thing I hate; one thing I love

I hate when a rockstar complains... about anything. Rumor has it, Neil Peart complains about shows, band members and his riding buddies throughout his three books about motorcycling, travel and music. Really? I mean, really? If you don't like it, don't do it! But to sit inside a 360° drum kit in front of thousands of fans and piss and moan about it? He wrote the lyrics for most of the songs the fans are singing along to.. and he's upset? What a douche.

I have a fantastic record player, as I've mentioned a few times. And I've got some fantastic records. One album that isn't so fantastic is one of my dad's old Howlin' Wolfe records. The music is amazing, but the record itself is in rough shape. As he and I were driving around San Diego last week, I told him he had played it out. He laughed and said, "Oh yeah, I played that one plenty of times. Plenty of times drunk, too." My dad is about as cool and collected as they come so the image of him stumbling over to the record player, attempting to massage the disc onto the plate, scraping the needle across the surface, and then stumbling back, closing his eyes, ripping air guitar moves, all at three a.m... it's priceless.

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