No matter how much sleep I get, by Thursday (and even more so by Friday) I'm exhausted. My patience is depleted and my brain starts to close down. My manners disappear and I react instinctually and negatively. Normally my spirit animal is a Koala. Utilitarian (two thumbs per hand), often misunderstood (as bears), angry, petulant, sharp claws, pouch on their belly for carrying contraband, but for now I'll chew a leaf and take a nap. Once I'm saturated, I become a monkey throwing feces. I don't stop at insults, I bring in personal information and past experiences about my target and try to bury them deep in cement made of regret and embarrassment.
So then the question is, am I saturated yet? No. I'm alright for now. But I squeeze and squeeze to get the water out and I'm still a little damp.
Luckily, there is medicine which addresses the symptoms: good coffee, drumming, sex. Sleep and exercise work as well but since they're a part of my life anyway, more meds are needed. When taken on a regular basis, any of these will keep you from blowing a fuse. There is also a cure: Max. Max is almost two years old. He's a combination of Border Collie, Aussie Shepherd and psychic. He cures all and he's all mine this weekend.
One more night, one more day, then it's off to Fishers to desalinate.
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