2 - An unanticipated reevaluation of priorities and goals. Normally, I talk about reset buttons and go real fluffy but this was quite literal. I realized I have to stop spending all my money and get out of debt. In fact, I have a three step plan: Step 1, get out of debt. Step 2, get a motorcycle. Step 3, follow Ilana around. Talk about literal, that's the first time in this blog that I've mentioned her by name. Weeeeee! The corollary to the three step plan is to see what the wind-up does. We've got a record coming out that we're all extremely proud of. It's a very very cool thing. So if that takes off, amen. If not, see the three step plan above.
3 - Tons of music ideas for Big Show 2009 and a great hand over hand way of making those ideas reality. Giddyup.
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