Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Apologies for my month-long vacation. I began working for a new website geared at revolutionizing the way kids access education. As a professional musician (am I a professional musician? Sometimes I am. Other times I'm a film editor. A lot of the time, I'm a program coordinator. A lot more of the time, I'm a manager for a band, albeit a defacto one.) I wrote mostly short paragraphs about pitfalls and triumphs in the music scene.

Now back to the show...

I work at a non-profit. I take in applications and forms and responses and I do things with them. Important things. Mind-altering things. Lemme ask you, the general public, a question: Do you live in two places simultaneously? When you get mail, do you have two addresses that each letter/pkge/magazine gets sent to? No?

Why in Christ's name would someone put down two email addresses on a form? Why? I want to know. I want to know right now. Why would they do this? Why would they do this to me? Someone tell me. What the fuck am I supposed to do with and If I were to put that into a field and try to use it in any sort of data analysis, the program would call me an asshole and crash.

I hate this shit.

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